$_FILES field ‘tmp_name’ has no value on .JPG file extension

If $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'] is empty then the file hasn’t been uploaded. You should look at $_FILES[$field]['error'] to see why.

FWIW, and as far as I understand it, the mime-type in $_FILES[] is provided by the browser.

Update: here is a bit of potted code to handle all file upload errors:

        $message="Error uploading file";
        switch( $_FILES['newfile']['error'] ) {
            case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
                $message = false;;
            case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
            case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
                $message .= ' - file too large (limit of '.get_max_upload().' bytes).';
            case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
                $message .= ' - file upload was not completed.';
            case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
                $message .= ' - zero-length file uploaded.';
                $message .= ' - internal error #'.$_FILES['newfile']['error'];
        if( !$message ) {
            if( !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['newfile']['tmp_name']) ) {
                $message="Error uploading file - unknown error.";
            } else {
                // Let's see if we can move the file...
                $dest .= "https://stackoverflow.com/".$this_file;
                if( !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['newfile']['tmp_name'], $dest) ) { // No error supporession so we can see the underlying error.
                    $message="Error uploading file - could not save upload (this will probably be a permissions problem in ".$dest.')';
                } else {
                    $message="File uploaded okay.";

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