Airflow 1.9.0 is queuing but not launching tasks

Airflow can be a bit tricky to setup.

  • Do you have the airflow scheduler running?
  • Do you have the airflow webserver running?
  • Have you checked that all DAGs you want to run are set to On in the web ui?
  • Do all the DAGs you want to run have a start date which is in the past?
  • Do all the DAGs you want to run have a proper schedule which is shown in the web ui?
  • If nothing else works, you can use the web ui to click on the dag, then on Graph View. Now select the first task and click on Task Instance. In the paragraph Task Instance Details you will see why a DAG is waiting or not running.

I’ve had for instance a DAG which was wrongly set to depends_on_past: True which forbid the current instance to start correctly.

Also a great resource directly in the docs, which has a few more hints: Why isn’t my task getting scheduled?.

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