ALS model – how to generate full_u * v^t * v?

This new user is not the the matrix U, so you don’t have its latent representation in ‘k’ factors, you only know its full representation, i.e., all its ratings. full_u here means all of the new user ratings in a dense format (not the sparse format ratings are) e.g.:

[0 2 0 0 0 1 0] if user u has rated item 2 with a 2 and item 6 with a 1.

then you can get v pretty much like you did and turning it to a matrix in numpy for instance:

pf = model.productFeatures()
Vt = np.matrix(np.asarray(pf.values().collect()))

then is is just a matter of multiplying:

Vt and V are transposed compared to the other answer but that’s just a matter of convention.

Note that the Vt*Vt.T product is fixed, so if you are going to use this for multiple new users it will be computationally more efficient to pre-compute it. Actually for more than one user it would be better to put all their ratings in bigU (in the same format as my one new user example) and just do the matrix product:
bigU*Vt*Vt.T to get all the ratings for all the new users. Might still be worth checking that the product is done in the most efficient way in terms of number of operations.

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