Angular 2 – Using Shared Service

Most of time, you need to define your shared service when bootstrapping your application:

bootstrap(AppComponent, [ SharedService ]);

and not defining it again within the providers attribute of your components. This way you will have a single instance of the service for the whole application.

In your case, since OtherComponent is a sub component of your AppComponent one, simply remove the providers attribute like this:

  selector : "other",
  // providers : [SharedService], <----
  template : `
    I'm the other component. The shared data is: {{data}}
export class OtherComponent implements OnInit{

This way they will shared the same instance of the service for both components. OtherComponent will use the one from the parent component (AppComponent).

This is because of the “hierarchical injectors” feature of Angular2. For more details, see this question:

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