Are Polymorphism , Overloading and Overriding similar concepts? [closed]

Polymorphism can be achieved through overriding. Put in short words, polymorphism refers to the ability of an object to provide different behaviors (use different implementations) depending on its own nature. Specifically, depending on its position in the class hierarchy.

Method Overriding is when a method defined in a superclass or interface is re-defined by one of its subclasses, thus modifying/replacing the behavior the superclass provides. The decision to call an implementation or another is dynamically taken at runtime, depending on the object the operation is called from. Notice the signature of the method remains the same when overriding.

Method Overloading is unrelated to polymorphism. It refers to defining different forms of a method (usually by receiving different parameter number or types). It can be seen as static polymorphism. The decision to call an implementation or another is taken at coding time. Notice in this case the signature of the method must change.

Operator overloading is a different concept, related to polymorphism, which refers to the ability of a certain language-dependant operator to behave differently based on the type of its operands (for instance, + could mean concatenation with Strings and addition with numeric operands).

The example in Wikipedia is quite illustrative.

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