Call a python function within a html file

You’ll need to use a web framework to route the requests to Python, as you can’t do that with just HTML. Flask is one simple framework: from flask import Flask, render_template app = Flask(__name__) @app.route(“”) def index(): return render_template(‘template.html’) @app.route(“”) def my_link(): print ‘I got clicked!’ return ‘Click.’ if __name__ == ‘__main__’: templates/template.html: … Read more

Is the hasOwnProperty method in JavaScript case sensitive?

Yes, it’s case sensitive (so obj.hasOwnProperty(‘x’) !== obj.hasOwnProperty(‘X’)) You could extend the Object prototype (some people call that monkey patching): Object.prototype.hasOwnPropertyCI = function(prop) { return ( function(t) { var ret = []; for (var l in t){ if (t.hasOwnProperty(l)){ ret.push(l.toLowerCase()); } } return ret; } )(this) .indexOf(prop.toLowerCase()) > -1; } More functional: Object.prototype.hasOwnPropertyCI = function(prop) … Read more

Is the hasOwnProperty method in JavaScript case sensitive?

Yes, it’s case sensitive (so obj.hasOwnProperty(‘x’) !== obj.hasOwnProperty(‘X’)) You could extend the Object prototype (some people call that monkey patching): Object.prototype.hasOwnPropertyCI = function(prop) { return ( function(t) { var ret = []; for (var l in t){ if (t.hasOwnProperty(l)){ ret.push(l.toLowerCase()); } } return ret; } )(this) .indexOf(prop.toLowerCase()) > -1; } More functional: Object.prototype.hasOwnPropertyCI = function(prop) … Read more

Getting Hibernate and SQL Server to play nice with VARCHAR and NVARCHAR

public class SQLServerUnicodeDialect extends org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect { public SQLServerUnicodeDialect() { super(); registerColumnType(Types.CHAR, “nchar(1)”); registerColumnType(Types.LONGVARCHAR, “nvarchar(max)” ); registerColumnType(Types.VARCHAR, 4000, “nvarchar($l)”); registerColumnType(Types.VARCHAR, “nvarchar(max)”); registerColumnType(Types.CLOB, “nvarchar(max)” ); registerColumnType(Types.NCHAR, “nchar(1)”); registerColumnType(Types.LONGNVARCHAR, “nvarchar(max)”); registerColumnType(Types.NVARCHAR, 4000, “nvarchar($l)”); registerColumnType(Types.NVARCHAR, “nvarchar(max)”); registerColumnType(Types.NCLOB, “nvarchar(max)”); registerHibernateType(Types.NCHAR, StandardBasicTypes.CHARACTER.getName()); registerHibernateType(Types.LONGNVARCHAR, StandardBasicTypes.TEXT.getName()); registerHibernateType(Types.NVARCHAR, StandardBasicTypes.STRING.getName()); registerHibernateType(Types.NCLOB, StandardBasicTypes.CLOB.getName() ); } }

Random numbers generation in PySpark

So the actual problem here is relatively simple. Each subprocess in Python inherits its state from its parent: len(set(sc.parallelize(range(4), 4).map(lambda _: random.getstate()).collect())) # 1 Since parent state has no reason to change in this particular scenario and workers have a limited lifespan, state of every child will be exactly the same on each run.

How to automatically generate unique id in SQL like UID12345678?

The only viable solution in my opinion is to use an ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) column to get SQL Server to handle the automatic increment of your numeric value a computed, persisted column to convert that numeric value to the value you need So try this: CREATE TABLE dbo.tblUsers (ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY … Read more

What is the {L} Unicode category?

Taken from this link: Check the Unicode Character Properties section. \p{L} matches a single code point in the category “letter”. If your input string is à encoded as U+0061 U+0300, it matches a without the accent. If the input is à encoded as U+00E0, it matches à with the accent. The reason is that … Read more