Bulk/batch update/upsert in PostgreSQL

Bulk insert

You can modify the bulk insert of three columns by @Ketema:

INSERT INTO "table" (col1, col2, col3)
  VALUES (11, 12, 13) , (21, 22, 23) , (31, 32, 33);

It becomes:

INSERT INTO "table" (col1, col2, col3)
  VALUES (unnest(array[11,21,31]), 

Replacing the values with placeholders:

INSERT INTO "table" (col1, col2, col3)
  VALUES (unnest(?), unnest(?), unnest(?))

You have to pass arrays or lists as arguments to this query. This means you can do huge bulk inserts without doing string concatenation (and all its hazzles and dangers: sql injection and quoting hell).

Bulk update

PostgreSQL has added the FROM extension to UPDATE. You can use it in this way:

update "table" 
  set value = data_table.new_value
    (select unnest(?) as key, unnest(?) as new_value) as data_table
  where "table".key = data_table.key;

The manual is missing a good explanation, but there is an example on the postgresql-admin mailing list. I tried to elaborate on it:

create table tmp
  id serial not null primary key,
  name text,
  age integer

insert into tmp (name,age) 
values ('keith', 43),('leslie', 40),('bexley', 19),('casey', 6);

update tmp set age = data_table.age
(select unnest(array['keith', 'leslie', 'bexley', 'casey']) as name, 
        unnest(array[44, 50, 10, 12]) as age) as data_table
where tmp.name = data_table.name;

There are also other posts on StackExchange explaining UPDATE...FROM.. using a VALUES clause instead of a subquery. They might by easier to read, but are restricted to a fixed number of rows.

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