C error: Exited with non-zero status

gets returns char*. In this context – It is wrong to write char *[] in the function definition where you are supposedly passing a char array where input characters are being stored using gets. Also char *gets(char *str) – you need to pass a buffer to the gets where the inputted letters will be stored. You didn’t pass one.

sizeof doesn’t work here. It returns the size of a pointer (char*). You will have to use strlen() to get the length of the string inputted by gets.

More importantly – don’t use gets – it’s time to use something much safer than gets, namely fgets etc. Buffer overflow is not something you want to deal with.

Suppose you are passing an array of char* to the function reverse. Then the parameter would be char*[] which means nothing other than char** here. Here you will simply pass the char array which you will be using as buffer to gets.

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