C++11: How to set seed using

The point of having a seed_seq is to increase the entropy of the generated sequence. If you have a random_device on your system, initializing with multiple numbers from that random device may arguably do that. On a system that has a pseudo-random number generator I don’t think there is an increase in randomness, i.e. generated sequence entropy.

Building on that your approach:

If your system does provide a random device then you can use it like this:

  std::random_device r;
  // std::seed_seq ssq{r()};
  // and then passing it to the engine does the same
  default_random_engine eng{r()};
  uniform_real_distribution<double> urd(0, 1);
  cout << "Uniform [0, 1): " << urd(eng);

If your system does not have a random device then you can use time(0) as a seed to the random_engine

  default_random_engine eng{static_cast<long unsigned int>(time(0))};
  uniform_real_distribution<double> urd(0, 1);
  cout << "Uniform [0, 1): " << urd(eng);

If you have multiple sources of randomness you can actually do this (e.g. 2)

std::seed_seq seed{ r1(), r2() };
  default_random_engine eng{seed};
  uniform_real_distribution<double> urd(0, 1);
  cout << "Uniform [0, 1): " << urd(eng);

where r1 , r2 are different random devices , e.g. a thermal noise or quantum source .

Ofcourse you could mix and match

std::seed_seq seed{ r1(), static_cast<long unsigned int>(time(0)) };
  default_random_engine eng{seed};
  uniform_real_distribution<double> urd(0, 1);
  cout << "Uniform [0, 1): " << urd(eng);

Finally, I like to initialize with an one liner:

  auto rand = std::bind(std::uniform_real_distribution<double>{0,1},
  std::cout << "Uniform [0,1): " << rand();

If you worry about the time(0) having second precision you can overcome this by playing with the high_resolution_clock either by requesting the time since epoch as designated firstly by bames23 below:

static_cast<long unsigned int>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()) 

or maybe just play with CPU randomness

long unsigned int getseed(int const K)

    typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock hiclock;

    auto gett= [](std::chrono::time_point<hiclock> t0)
        auto tn = hiclock::now();
        return static_cast<long unsigned int>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(tn-t0).count());

    long unsigned int diffs[10];
    diffs[0] = gett(hiclock::now());
    for(int i=1; i!=10; i++)
        auto last = hiclock::now();
        for(int k=K; k!=0; k--)
            diffs[i]= gett(last);

    return *std::max_element(&diffs[1],&diffs[9]);

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