Calculate cumulative intraday measures that reset every day in pandas

A cumulative sum that resets is equivalent to apply it to groups : each new group will reset the cumulative sum when it starts.

It is always easier to illustrate an answer with a good minimal reproducible example :

df = pd.DataFrame([
    ['20191224', '20191224 01:00', 50, 'Merry'], 
    ['20191224', '20191224 02:30', 50, 'Christmas'],
    ['20191225', '20191225 02:00', 50, 'Merry'],
    ['20191225', '20191225 04:25', 50, 'Christmas'],
    ['20191225', '20191225 06:50', 50, ':)']],
    columns = ['date_str', 'date_time', 'quantity', 'msg'])

To make sure to cast ‘date_time’ column to actual timestamps (all time formats in documentation)

df['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_time'], format = "%Y%m%d %H:%M")

To make sure that your dates are ordered (important as you will cumsum)

df = df.sort_values('date_time')

You can groupby date_str as they are represent your daily groups :

    'quantity': 'sum',
    'message': lambda x: x.join(' ')

            quantity                    msg
20191224         100        Merry Christmas
20191225         150     Merry Christmas :)

In your case, what you want is to transform cumsum:

df['daily_cum_quantity'] = df.groupby('date_str')['quantity'].transform('cumsum')

Resulting in :

    date_str    date_time             quantity   msg        cum_quantity
0   20191224    2019-12-24 01:00:00   50         Merry      50
1   20191224    2019-12-24 02:30:00   50         Christmas  100
2   20191225    2019-12-25 02:00:00   50         Merry      50
3   20191225    2019-12-25 04:25:00   50         Christmas  100
4   20191225    2019-12-25 06:50:00   50         :)         150

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