Choice for build tool: MSBuild, NANT or something else?

We wrote FlubuCore (rewrite of Flubu). It’s an open source C# library for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code.

Main advantages of flubu that I see are:

  • .Net Core support.
  • Easy to learn and to use because you write build script entirely in C#.
  • Fluent interface and intelisense.
  • Quite a lot of built in tasks (compile, running tests, managing iis, creating deploy package, publishing nuget packages, executing powershell scripts…)
  • Write your own custom c# code in script and execute it..
  • Run any external program or command in script with RunProgramTask.
  • Reference any .net library or c# source code file in buildscript. Now also available option to reference nuget package in build script.
  • Write tests, debug your build script..
  • Use flubu tasks in any other .net application.
  • Web api is available for flubu. Useful for automated deployments remotely.
  • Write your own flubu tasks and extend flubu fluent interface with them.

You can find flubu on nuget:

Search for FlubuCore.Runner if u need it for .net project

Search for dotnet-flubu if u need it core project

Example of how flubu is used in .net:

protected override void ConfigureBuildProperties(IBuildPropertiesContext context) {
  @ "packages\NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.6.0\tools\nunit3-console.exe");
 context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.ProductId, "FlubuExample");
 context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.ProductName, "FlubuExample");
 context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.SolutionFileName, "FlubuExample.sln");
 context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.BuildConfiguration, "Release");

protected override void ConfigureTargets(ITaskContext session) {
 var loadSolution = session.CreateTarget("load.solution")
  .AddTask(x => x.LoadSolutionTask());

 var updateVersion = session.CreateTarget("update.version")

  .SetDescription("Generates common assembly info")

 var compile = session.CreateTarget("compile")
  .SetDescription("Compiles the solution.")
  .AddTask(x => x.CompileSolutionTask())

 var unitTest = session.CreateTarget("unit.tests")
  .SetDescription("Runs unit tests")
  .AddTask(x => x.NUnitTaskForNunitV3("FlubuExample.Tests"));

 session.CreateTarget("abc").AddTask(x => x.RunProgramTask(@ "packages\LibZ.Tool\1.2.0\tools\libz.exe"));

  .SetDescription("Rebuilds the solution.")
  .DependsOn(compile, unitTest);

//// Some custom code
public static void TargetFetchBuildVersion(ITaskContext context) {
 var version = context.Tasks().FetchBuildVersionFromFileTask().Execute(context);

 int svnRevisionNumber = 0; //in real scenario you would fetch revision number from subversion.
 int buildNumber = 0; // in real scenario you would fetch build version from build server.
 version = new Version(version.Major, version.Minor, buildNumber, svnRevisionNumber);
 context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.BuildVersion, version);

Example of how flubu is used in .net core

public class MyBuildScript : DefaultBuildScript
    protected override void ConfigureBuildProperties(IBuildPropertiesContext context)
        context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.CompanyName, "Flubu");
        context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.CompanyCopyright, "Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Flubu");
        context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.ProductId, "FlubuExample");
        context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.ProductName, "FlubuExample");
        context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.SolutionFileName, "FlubuExample.sln");
        context.Properties.Set(BuildProps.BuildConfiguration, "Release");

    protected override void ConfigureTargets(ITaskContext context)
        var buildVersion = context.CreateTarget("buildVersion")
            .SetDescription("Fetches flubu version from FlubuExample.ProjectVersion.txt file.")
            .AddTask(x => x.FetchBuildVersionFromFileTask());

        var compile = context
            .SetDescription("Compiles the VS solution and sets version to FlubuExample.csproj")
            .AddCoreTask(x => x.UpdateNetCoreVersionTask("FlubuExample/FlubuExample.csproj"))
            .AddCoreTask(x => x.Restore())
            .AddCoreTask(x => x.Build())

        var package = context
            .CreateZipPackageFromProjects("FlubuExample", "netstandard2.0", "FlubuExample")

    //// Can be used instead of CreateZipPackageFromProject. See MVC_NET4.61 project for full example of PackageTask
    //// context.CreateTarget("Package2").AddTask(x =>   

         var test = context.CreateTarget("test")
            .AddCoreTaskAsync(x => x.Test().Project("FlubuExample.Tests"))
            .AddCoreTaskAsync(x => x.Test().Project("FlubuExample.Tests2"));   

             .DependsOn(compile, test, package);


Detailed presentation and documentation can be found here:

You can find full examples here:

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