Count the O's from a Given String, say="*XOO*O"

The problem with your code is this check:

if (ch == 'O') {
    if (!((inp.charAt(i + 1)) == 'X' || (inp.charAt(i - 1)) == 'X')) {

Here you check for only a case where there is O not surrounded by X. But this check doesn’t work for cases like *OOXOO*. You’ll get 2 but the result is 0. So the solution is to do it in loop or using regexp. Examples are shown below.

Also you did that:

inp = "." + inp + ".";

which I think is not needed. I’m guessing you did that because you were getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while looping for i = 0. The solution you proposed works, but you could also add check in the loop for (i>0) or start from 1 and check behind + front (see examples below).

If you don’t require a loop with array then you can use a simple regex:

testString = testString.replaceAll("[O]+X","X").replaceAll("X[O]+", "X");

The whole test-program:

public class Main {

    public static void main(final String args[]) throws IOException
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
        System.out.print("Enter Test String: ");
        String testString = br.readLine();
        testString = "." + testString + ".";

        testString = testString.replaceAll("[O]+X","X").replaceAll("X[O]+", "X");

        int count = testString.length() - testString.replace("O", "").length();
        System.out.println("Result string:  " + testString);
        System.out.println("Total 'O' left:  " + count);


Enter Test String: *OOX*XOX*OO*XO*O*X*OX*XO*O*
Result string:  .*X*XX*OO*X*O*X*X*X*O*.
Total 'O' left:  4


Enter Test String: *OOXOO*OO
Result string:  .*X*OO.
Total 'O' left:  2


Enter Test String: *O*OXOO*OO
Result string:  .*O*X*OO.
Total 'O' left:  3

Below there are 3 types of solutions to your problem:

public class Main {

    private BufferedReader userInput;
    private String testString;

    public static void main(final String args[])
        BufferedReader userInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;  //get the reader.
        Main test = new Main(userInput); //create an object of a test class that will use this reader
        test.getTestString(); //ask user for the input
        test.removeOsWithRegex();  //first method - regex
        test.removeOsByReplacingWithX(); //second method - in loop change all O's to X's
        test.removeOsByInLoopDeletion(); //third method - delete all O's step by step in a loop.

    public Main(final BufferedReader userInput)
        this.userInput = userInput;  //constructor

    //getting the test string.
    private void getTestString()
        System.out.print("Enter Test String: ");
            testString = userInput.readLine();
            testString = "." + testString + ".";
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Something wrong happened: " + e.getMessage() + ". Shutting down.");

    //removing with regex
    private void removeOsWithRegex()
        System.out.println("Removing 'O' with regexp from: " + testString);

        //change all parts of testString where there are Os followed by X to X.
        //do the same with parts of testString where there is X followed by one or more O.
        String resultString = testString.replaceAll("[O]+X","X").replaceAll("X[O]+", "X");
        //the number of Os is the length of the string minus length of the string without Os.
        int count = resultString.length() - resultString.replace("O", "").length();
        System.out.println("Result string:  " + resultString);
        System.out.println("Total 'O' left:  " + count);

    //2nd method
    public void removeOsByReplacingWithX()
        System.out.println("Removing 'O' by replacing them with X: " + testString);

        byte[] byteArray = testString.getBytes();
        boolean changesMade;
        //create loop
            changesMade = false;
            for (int i = 1; i < byteArray.length - 1; i++)
                //if X was found change adjacent Os to X
                if (byteArray[i] == 'X')
                    if (byteArray[i-1] == 'O')
                        byteArray[i-1] = 'X';
                        changesMade = true;
                    if (byteArray[i+1] == 'O')
                        byteArray[i+1] = 'X';
                        changesMade = true;
        } while(changesMade);  //do this as long as there is something to change.

        String resultString = new String(byteArray);

        int count = resultString.length() - resultString.replace("O", "").length();
        System.out.println("Result string:  " + resultString);
        System.out.println("Total 'O' left:  " + count);

    //3rd method
    public void removeOsByInLoopDeletion()
        System.out.println("Removing 'O' by deleting them in loop: " + testString);

        byte[] byteArray = testString.getBytes();
        boolean changesMade;
        //create a loop
            changesMade = false;
            for (int i = 1; i < byteArray.length - 1; i++)
                //if there is X
                if (byteArray[i] == 'X')
                    //if next is O then shorten the array by cutting the O
                    if (byteArray[i+1] == 'O')
                        byteArray = shortenByteArray(byteArray, i+1); //i+1 is the position of O
                        changesMade = true;
                //on the other hand if O was wound
                if (byteArray[i] == 'O')
                    //if X is next, shorten it by cutting O from current position
                    if (byteArray[i+1] == 'X')
                        byteArray = shortenByteArray(byteArray, i); //i is current position.
                        changesMade = true;
        } while(changesMade);

        String resultString = new String(byteArray);

        int count = resultString.length() - resultString.replace("O", "").length();
        System.out.println("Result string:  " + resultString);
        System.out.println("Total 'O' left:  " + count);

    //cutting one element from byte array
    private byte[] shortenByteArray(final byte[] byteArray, final Integer startIndex)
        byte[] newByteArray = new byte[byteArray.length-1];
        for (int i = 0; i < newByteArray.length; i++)
            //rewrite all before the item to cut
            if (i < startIndex)
                newByteArray[i] = byteArray[i];
                //ommit the element to cut and move all others by 1.
                newByteArray[i] = byteArray[i+1];
        return newByteArray;

The results are the same for all three cases for all 3 tests I’ve supplied earlier.

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