Difference between class variables and class instance variables?

A class variable (@@) is shared among the class and all of its descendants. A class instance variable (@) is not shared by the class’s descendants.

Class variable (@@)

Let’s have a class Foo with a class variable @@i, and accessors for reading and writing @@i:

class Foo

  @@i = 1

  def self.i

  def self.i=(value)
    @@i = value


And a derived class:

class Bar < Foo

We see that Foo and Bar have the same value for @@i:

p Foo.i    # => 1
p Bar.i    # => 1

And changing @@i in one changes it in both:

Bar.i = 2
p Foo.i    # => 2
p Bar.i    # => 2

Class instance variable (@)

Let’s make a simple class with a class instance variable @i and accessors for reading and writing @i:

class Foo

  @i = 1

  def self.i

  def self.i=(value)
    @i = value


And a derived class:

class Bar < Foo

We see that although Bar inherits the accessors for @i, it does not inherit @i itself:

p Foo.i    # => 1
p Bar.i    # => nil

We can set Bar’s @i without affecting Foo’s @i:

Bar.i = 2
p Foo.i    # => 1
p Bar.i    # => 2

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