Elasticsearch docker container in non-prod mode to eliminate vm.max_map_count=262144 requirement

You can run your docker in development mode and create a single node ES cluster by following official ES link on single node ES cluster. As mention in this link.

To start a single-node Elasticsearch cluster for development or
testing, specify single-node discovery to bypass the bootstrap checks:

In-short all you need to do is add -e "discovery.type=single-node" in your docker command, which would enable the dev mode and then you don’t have to satisfy the hard limits of production environments ie it bypass bootstrap checks.

More information on your settings and how to turn it off can be found here

node.store.allow_mmap. This is a boolean setting indicating whether or
not memory-mapping is allowed. The default is to allow it.

So, if -e "discovery.type=single-node env. doesn’t turn it off, then you can explicitly set it false in your elasticsearch.yml.

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