Enable clean URL in Yii2

I got it working in yii2. Enable mod_rewrite for Apache.
For basic template do the following:
Create a .htaccess file in web folder and add this

RewriteEngine on
# If a directory or a file exists, use it directly
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# Otherwise forward it to index.php
RewriteRule . index.php

Then inside config folder, in web.php add to components

'urlManager' => [
    'class' => 'yii\web\UrlManager',
    // Disable index.php
    'showScriptName' => false,
    // Disable r= routes
    'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
    'rules' => array(
            '<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '<controller>/view',
            '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '<controller>/<action>',
            '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>' => '<controller>/<action>',

In the case of advanced template create the .htaccess files inside backend/web and frontend/web folders and add urlManager component inside common/config/main.php

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