Flutter Load Image from Firebase Storage

Firebase Console

To view the images inside your storage, what you need is the name of the file in the storage. Once you’ve the file name for the specific image you need.
In my case if i want the testimage to be loaded,

final ref = FirebaseStorage.instance.ref().child('testimage');
// no need of the file extension, the name will do fine.
var url = await ref.getDownloadURL();

Once you’ve the url,


That’s all 🙂

New alternative answer based on one of the comments.

I don’t see anywhere google is charging extra money for downloadURL.
So if you’re posting some comments please attach a link to it.

Once you upload a file to storage, make that filename unique and save that name somewhere in firestore, or realtime database.

getAvatarUrlForProfile(String imageFileName) async {
final FirebaseStorage firebaseStorage = FirebaseStorage(
    app: Firestore.instance.app,
    storageBucket: 'gs://your-firebase-app-url.com');

Uint8List imageBytes;
await firebaseStorage
    .then((value) => {imageBytes = value})
    .catchError((error) => {});
return imageBytes;

Uint8List avatarBytes =
    await FirebaseServices().getAvatarUrlForProfile(userId);

and use it like,


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