have address columns in each table or an address table that is referenced by the other tables?

Database Normalization is all about constructing relations (tables) that maintain certain functional
dependencies among the facts (columns) within the relation (table) and among the various relations (tables)
making up the schema (database). Bit of a mouth-full, but that is what it is all about.

A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory
is the classic reference for normal forms. This paper defines in simple terms what the essence of each normal form is
and its significance with respect to database table design. This is a very good “touch-stone” reference.

To answer your specific question properly requires additional information. Some critical questions you have to ask

  • Is an Address a simple fact (e.g. blob of text) or a composite fact (e.g.
    composed of multiple attributes: Address line, City Name, Postal Code etc.)
  • What are the other “facts” relating to “Accommodation”,
    “Airport” and “Train Station”?
  • What sets of “facts” uniquely and minimally identify an “Airport”, an “Accommodation”
    and a “Train Station” (these facts are typically called a key or candidate key)?
  • What functional dependencies exist among Address facts and the facts
    composing each relations key?

All this to say, the answer to your question is not as straight forward as one might hope for!

Is there such a thing as “over normalization”? Maybe. This depends on whether the
functional dependencies you have identified and used to build your tables are
of significance to your application domain.

For example, suppose it was determined that an address
was composed of multiple attributes; one of which is postal code. Technically a postal
code is a composite item too (at least Canadian Postal Codes are). Further normalizing your
database to recognize these facts would probably be an over-normalization. This is because
the components of a postal code are irrelevant to your application and therefore factoring
them into the database design would be an over-normalization.

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