How to setup SASS/SCSS/sass-loader in Nuxt

To install SASS in Nuxt, you have to run yarn add -D sass [email protected] (or npm i -D [email protected] --save-exact && npm i -D sass).

The version of sass-loader needs to be exact and set at the latest 10.x.x because the next one (11.0.0) is using Webpack5, hence being a breaking change because Nuxt2 is only running on Webpack4 as shown here:

IF then, you still cannot use <style lang="sass"> in your .vue components, then proceed.

Add this to your nuxt.config.js file

export default {
  build: {
    loaders: {
      sass: {
        implementation: require('sass'),
      scss: {
        implementation: require('sass'),

Here is a working repo with the latest recommended sass (dart-sass) setup working properly with this kind of code

    <span class="test">
      Hello there

<style lang="sass" scoped>
    color: red

PS: if SASS is properly installed, then SCSS is working as good because it’s basically the same thing.

If you have some warning on some things being deprecated like / for divison or any listed here:
You can refer to this answer for a fix:

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