How to use the new affix plugin in twitter’s bootstrap 2.1.0?

I was having a similar problem, and I believe I found an improved solution.

Don’t bother specifying data-offset-top in your HTML. Instead, specify it when you call .affix():

    offset: { top: $('#nav').offset().top }

The advantage here is that you can change the layout of your site without needing to update the data-offset-top attribute. Since this uses the actual computed position of the element, it also prevents inconsistencies with browsers that render the element at a slightly different position.

You will still need to clamp the element to the top with CSS. Furthermore, I had to set width: 100% on the nav element since .nav elements with position: fixed misbehave for some reason:

#nav.affix {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0px;
    width: 100%;

One last thing: When an affixed element becomes fixed, its element no longer takes up space on the page, resulting in the elements below it to “jump”. To prevent this ugliness, I wrap the navbar in a div whose height I set to be equal to the navbar at runtime:

<div id="nav-wrapper">
    <div id="nav" class="navbar">
        <!-- ... -->



Here’s the obligatory jsFiddle to see it in action.

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