Karate: Is there a http-request hook in karate, that gets called automatically after every API call, and whose behaviour I can modify? [duplicate]

First, I personally think that this is a mis-use of Karate, and you seem to be more interested in reports than actually doing testing. Take some time to think about it. Karate has excellent report integration and you are just wasting your time doing this in my very honest, sincere opinion. No one has asked for this.

Anyway. There is a new ExecutionHook in 0.9.5.RC4, details here: https://github.com/intuit/karate/issues/970#issuecomment-557443551

You can implement afterStep, see if it is a method step and then do this. If you need changes, open an issue. Also see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60944060/143475

EDIT: just remembered – in the develop branch we added a way to intercept all requests and responses: https://twitter.com/karatedsl/status/1195240779213496320 – will be happy to get your feedback and see if we can merge this concept with the above hook – or improve the interfaces if needed

EDIT: in many cases, the afterScenario may be sufficient, note that you can call any Karate feature, which means you can do HTTP requests: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51467470/143475

EDIT – the hooks API has changed for 1.0: https://github.com/intuit/karate/wiki/1.0-upgrade-guide

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