keep placeholder on focus in IE10

The :-ms-input-placeholder pseudo-class documentation from the Internet Explorer Developer Center seems to imply this is working as designed.

The placeholder text is displayed with the specified style until the
field has focus, meaning that the field can be typed into. When the
field has focus, it returns to the normal style of the input field and
the placeholder text disappears.

Edit: If I had to mimic this behavior, I would look at placeholder polyfill libraries (that set the default value, float grey text over the input box, etc) which work with older versions of IE. They would have to be modified, because they probably feature detect the placeholder capability and defer to the browser. Also, this would have a “browser detect” code smell.

Update: An “IE placeholder text disappears” question was asked during a Twitter #AskIE question session on June 19, 2014 and @IEDevChat responded “We have an active bug for this behavior. Next version will provide a fix”

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