Knapsack with multiple bags and items having only weight

This is known as the bin packing problem (which is NP-hard).

By simply sorting the decreasing order by their sizes, and then inserting each item into the first bin in the list with sufficient remaining space, we get 11/9 OPT + 6/9 bins (where OPT is the number of bins used in the optimal solution). This would easily take O(n²), or possibly O(n log n) with an efficient implementation.

In terms of optimal solutions, there isn’t a dynamic programming solution that’s as well-known as for the knapsack problem. This resource has one option – the basic idea is:

D[{set}] = the minimum number of bags using each of the items in {set}


D[{set1}] = the minimum of all D[{set1} - {set2}] where set2 fits into 1 bag
                                                  and is a subset of set1

The array index above is literally a set – think of this as a map of set to value, a bitmap or a multi-dimensional array where each index is either 1 or 0 to indicate whether we include the item corresponding to that dimensional or not.

The linked resource actually considers multiple types, which can occur multiple times – I derived the above solution from that.

The running time will greatly depend on the number of items that can fit into a bag – it will be O(minimumBagsUsed.2maxItemsPerBag).

In the case of 1 bag, this is essentially the subset sum problem. For this, you can consider the weight the same as value and solve using a knapsack algorithm, but this won’t really work too well for multiple bags.

Why not? Consider items 5,5,5,9,9,9 with a bag size of 16. If you just solve subset sum, you’re left with 5,5,5 in one bag and 9 in one bag each (for a total of 4 bags), rather than 5,9 in each of 3 bags.

Subset sum / knapsack is already a difficult problem – if using it’s not going to give you an optimal solution, you may as well use the sorting / greedy approach above.

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