Merging multiple video files with ffmpeg and xfade filter

Your offsets are incorrect. Try:

ffmpeg -i v0.mp4 -i v1.mp4 -i v2.mp4 -i v3.mp4 -i v4.mp4 -filter_complex \
"[0][1:v]xfade=transition=fade:duration=1:offset=3[vfade1]; \
 [vfade1][2:v]xfade=transition=fade:duration=1:offset=10[vfade2]; \
 [vfade2][3:v]xfade=transition=fade:duration=1:offset=21[vfade3]; \
 [vfade3][4:v]xfade=transition=fade:duration=1:offset=25,format=yuv420p; \
 [0:a][1:a]acrossfade=d=1[afade1]; \
 [afade1][2:a]acrossfade=d=1[afade2]; \
 [afade2][3:a]acrossfade=d=1[afade3]; \
 [afade3][4:a]acrossfade=d=1" \
-movflags +faststart out.mp4

How to get xfade offset values:

input input duration + previous xfade offset xfade duration offset =
v0.mp4 4 + 0 1 3
v1.mp4 8 + 3 1 10
v2.mp4 12 + 10 1 21
v3.mp4 5 + 21 1 25

These are simplified example durations that are different than the durations shown in the original question.

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