My HTML5 Application Cache Manifest is caching everything

Here is a hack I found out by playing around:

I haven’t found the ultimate answer but from what I’ve learned it seems that the manifest is not meant to be set on every page. Again I’m not sure but this is a hack that I came across. I have a page such as manifest.html that has the

<html manifest="manifest.appcache"> 

I learned that pages which do not have this will not be added to the cache however they will still continue using the application cache if on the same domain. Therfore if you include manifest.html a plain html page that has this in an iframe on everypage it will not cache that page like chrome will no longer output:

Adding master entry to Application Cache with manifest 

but if you go to network tab you will see that it is using the cache

<iframe id='manifest_iframe_hack' 
  style="display: none;" 

content of temporary_manifest_hack.html:

<html lang="en" class="no-js" manifest="manifest.appcache">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Hack 4 Manifest</title>

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