Namespace could not be found

First of all, I’d suggest to put the method BindManu into the class, because I can’t imagine this would work like that.

But to your problem: You have to specify the whole namespace. That means, if the file with the DBConnStrings namespace is in the folder test, you have to use using test.DBConnStrings to import the namespace. You should name the namespace like that as well to avoid confusion (namespace test.DBConnStrings).

But you actually don’t have to specify the whole path, just the path within the project. That means, if your class is in C:\Users\Foo\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\BlaProject\DirectoryA\DirectoryB\MyClass with the project located in C:\Users\Foo\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\BlaProject, your namespace would be BlaProject.DirectoryA.DirectoryB. If the file your using isn’t in your project folder, then you have to add a reference and use the path within the other project as above (but with another project name, obviously). If you want to add references, open the Solution Explorer, right click onto References, select add Reference, and select the reference to the project.

If you don’t want to struggle with all that you can let vs do it for you. Simply type in the class you want from the other namespace, it will be marked as an error, click onto the lightbulb and select something like add using reference.

Furthermore, if you want to add a class to your project, don’t do it with the explorer – simply right click onto the folder from your project you want to add the class to in your Solution Explorer, select Add, then New Item. In the popup select class and type in your name for the class. That’s it!

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