OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: ‘Cannot start the driver service on http://localhost:20548/’

OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: ‘Cannot start the driver service
on http://localhost:20548/

As for this issue, It could be the case that a process of the WebDriver is still running in the background. Please try to fire up Task Manager to see and end it if does.

Otherwise, you could try to use the following code to assign the webdeiver server:

        var driverpath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Web Driver"; //find the web driver path
        var driver = new EdgeDriver(driverpath);
        // Navigate to Bing
        driver.Url = "";

        // Find the search box and query for webdriver
        var element = driver.FindElementById("sb_form_q");



This version of MicrosoftWebDriver.exe is not compatible with the
installed version of Windows 10.

Please check this article to download the related Microsoft WebDriver version based on your Edge browser version.

Then, you could refer to this article to use WebDriver.

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