Could not GET ‘play-services-location/maven-metadata.xml’. Received status code 502 from server: Bad Gateway

The problem is that a plugin (location in this case) didn’t specify a fixed version of an Android library. So in order to find which versions are available, Gradle must go to the repository to check. In this case, that repository is Bintray, which has been down for days and returning HTTP 502 Bad Request. … Read more

Difference between Mojarra and MyFaces

Why do I need more jars if I use MyFaces? Because those commons-* dependencies are not bundled in MyFaces. On the other hand, if you’re using other libraries from which also use those commons-* dependencies, then you ultimately end up with smaller total size libraries. Noted should be that since Mojarra 2.1.6 a single … Read more

(Unknown Source) in Exception stack trace

Note that if you are using Ant build and if the debug attribute set to false in javac command this could happen. ex : if you need proper location in trace set debug = true in Ant build, <javac verbose=”false” srcdir=”${src}” destdir=”${classdir}” debug=”true” includes=”**/*.java”> <classpath refid=”compile.classpath” /> </javac>