PhoneGap: Opening external URL’s in Safari

The best way to open links in a new URL is actually with Just set the target as “_system”:"", "_system");

Before I found this in the docs, I actually wrote a plugin to do the same. I’m going to leave this answer here, because this would give you much more granular control over handling of links.

With PhoneGap 2.3+, I was unable to get URLs to open in Mobile Safari in any way. Using _blank didn’t work, and I tried, ‘_blank’), but this now opens the URL using the InAppBrowser plugin (which pretty much sucks). I thought it was interesting that that one used a plugin though, so I decided to write a plugin to open URLs using the standard method of opening URLs in iOS apps. You can see/grab the code on this gist here:

In my example, I wired up links that have a class called “_blank” with jQuery and opened those URLs with the plugin call:

// execute the plugin called OpenUrl, signature:
// exec(successCallback, errorCallback, pluginName, pluginMethod, params)
cordova.exec(success, error, "OpenUrl", "openUrl", [url]);

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