Program made with PyInstaller now seen as a Trojan Horse by AVG

I was always getting some false positives with Pyinstaller from VirusTotal. This is how I fixed it:

Pyinstaller comes with pre-compiled bootloader binaries for different OSs. I suggest compile them by yourself on your machine. Make sure everything is consistent on your machine. For Windows 64bit, install Python 64bit. Download PyInstaller 64bit for Windows. Make sure Visual Studio (VS) corresponding to your Python is installed, check below:

Compile the bootloader of Pyinstaller on your machine with VS. It automatically updates the run.exe, runw.exe, run_d.exe, runw_d.exe in DownloadedPyinstallerFolder\PyInstaller\bootloader\Windows-64bit. Check below for more info on how to compile the bootloader:

At the end install Pyinstaller. Within Pyinstaller directory run

python install

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