Redirecting EC2 Elastic Load Balancer from HTTP to HTTPS

AWS Application Load Balancers now support native HTTP to HTTPS redirect.

To enable this in the console, do the the following:

  1. Go to your Load Balancer in EC2 and tab “Listeners”
  2. Select “View/edit rules” on your HTTP listener
  3. Delete all rules except for the default one (bottom)
  4. Edit default rule: choose “Redirect to” as an action, leave everything as default and enter “443” as a port.

Native redirect listener rule

The same can be achieved by using the CLI as described here.

It is also possible to do this in Cloudformation, where you need to set up a Listener object like this:

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
      LoadBalancerArn: !Ref LoadBalancer
      Port: 80
      Protocol: HTTP
      - Type: redirect 
          Protocol: HTTPS
          StatusCode: HTTP_301
          Port: 443

If you still use Classic Load Balancers, go with one of the NGINX configs described by the others.

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