Return result from javafx platform runlater

I’d recommend wrapping the code within a FutureTask object. FutureTask is a construct useful (among other things) for executing a portion of code on one thread (usually a worker, in your case the event queue) and safely retrieving it on another. FutureTask#get will block until FutureTask#run has been invoked, therefore your password prompt could look like this:

final FutureTask query = new FutureTask(new Callable() {
    public Object call() throws Exception {
        return queryPassword();

As FutureTask implements Runnable, you can pass it directly to Platform#runLater(...). queryPassword() will be inokved on the event queue, and the subsequent call to get block until that method completes. Of course, you will want to invoke this code in a loop until the password actually matches.

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