Rock,paper,scissors Tally counter python [closed]

I have fixed your code . . .

from random import randint

print ("Rock ,Paper,Scissors game.")

#Function to get computer input
def generate():
    comlist = ["rock","paper","scissors"]
    comans = comlist[randint(-1,2)]
    if comans == "rock":
        print ("Computer choose rock.")
    elif comans == "paper" :
        print ("Computer choose paper.")
    elif comans == "scissors":
        print ("Computer choose scissors.")
    return comans

#Function to get user input
def user():
    userchoice = input ("Choose rock, paper , or scissors.")
    while userchoice != 'rock' and userchoice != 'paper' and userchoice != 'scissors':
        print ("Invalid input. Please enter again")
        userchoice = input ("Choose rock, paper , or scissors.")
    if userchoice == "rock":
        print ("You  choose rock.")
        choice = userchoice
    elif userchoice == "paper" :
        print ("You choose paper.")
        choice = userchoice
        userchoice == "scissors"
        print ("You choose scissors.")
        choice = userchoice
    return choice

#Function to determine winner
def result(comans ,choice):
    if choice == comans:
        print ("Tie")
    elif choice == "rock":
        if computer == "paper":
            print ("You lose")
        else :
            print("You win")
    elif choice == "paper":
        if computer == "scissors":
            print("You lose")
            print("You win")
    elif choice == "scissors":
        if computer == "rock":
            print("You lose")
            print("You win")


#Function to get win taly
def wincounter (result):
    global win
    if result == 'win':
        win += 1
   #print (win)

def print_win_count():
    global win
    print ('you have win '+ str(win) + ' times')

#Main program
counter = 0
win = 0
diffulty = input(' Please enter diffulty.( "1" for easy , "2" for medium, "3" for hard)')
while diffulty != '1' and diffulty != '2' and diffulty != '3':
    print ('Invalid input')
    diffulty = input(' Please enter diffulty.( "1" for easy , "2" for medium, "3" for hard)')
if diffulty == '1':
    print ("You have choose easy")
    counter = 1
    guess = user()
    computer = generate()
    result (computer, guess)
    while counter < 3:
        guess = user()
        computer = generate()
        result (computer, guess)
        counter +=1
if diffulty == '2':
    print ("You have choose medium")
    counter = 1
    guess = user()
    computer = generate()
    result (computer, guess)
    while counter < 5:
        guess = user()
        computer = generate()
        result (computer, guess)
        counter +=1
if diffulty == '3':
    print ("You have choose hard")
    counter = 1
    guess = user()
    computer = generate()
    result (computer, guess)
    while counter < 10:
        guess = user()
        computer = generate()
        result (computer, guess)
        counter +=1

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