rotate x axis text in d3

If you set a transform of rotate(180), it rotates the element relative to the origin, not relative to the text anchor. So, if your text elements also have an x and y attribute set to position them, it’s quite likely that you’ve rotated the text off-screen. For example, if you tried,

<text x="200" y="100" transform="rotate(180)">Hello!</text>

the text anchor would be at ⟨-200,100⟩. If you want the text anchor to stay at ⟨200,100⟩, then you can use the transform to position the text before rotating it, thereby changing the origin.

<text transform="translate(200,100)rotate(180)">Hello!</text>

Another option is to use the optional cx and cy arguments to SVG’s rotate transform, so that you can specify the origin of rotation. This ends up being a bit redundant, but for completeness, it looks like this:

<text x="200" y="100" transform="rotate(180,200,100)">Hello World!</text>

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