Running another program in Windows bat file and not create child process

Synchronous. The second notepad won’t launch until you close the first.

notepad.exe c:\temp\a.txt
notepad.exe c:\temp\b.txt

Asynchronous: The second notepad will launch even if you haven’t closed the first.

start notepad.exe c:\temp\a.txt
start notepad.exe c:\temp\b.txt

More info about the start command:

EDIT: The following comment was made elsewhere by @zhongshu, the original poster. I’m only copying it here:

start cmd /c doesn’t work because SVN
post-commit hook will wait for the
hook and the child process created by
the hook exit. It’s the design of SVN.
I have found a solution, Please refer:

Assuming that he knows what he’s talking about, I’m wrong and…undeserving.

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