Script to convert .XLSX to Google Sheet and move converted file

  • You want to create the converted Google Spreadsheet files to “FolderB”.
  • You want to delete the XLSX files in “FolderA” after the files were converted.
  • You want to achieve above using Google Apps Script.

If my understanding correct, how about this modification? In this modification, I modified your script.

Modification points:

  • You can directly create the file to the specific folder using the property of parents in the request body.
  • You can delete the file using Drive.Files.remove(fileId).

Modified script:

Before you use this script, please enable Drive API at Advanced Google services.

function importXLS(){
  var folderBId = "###"; // Added // Please set the folder ID of "FolderB".

  var files = DriveApp.getFolderById('1hjvNIPgKhp2ZKIC7K2kxvJjfIeEYw4BP').searchFiles('title != "nothing"');
    var xFile =;
    var name = xFile.getName();
    if (name.indexOf('.xlsx')>-1){ 
      var ID = xFile.getId();
      var xBlob = xFile.getBlob();
      var newFile = {
        title : name+'_converted',
        parents: [{id: folderBId}] //  Added
      file = Drive.Files.insert(newFile, xBlob, {
        convert: true
      // Drive.Files.remove(ID); // Added // If this line is run, the original XLSX file is removed. So please be careful this.


  • If the number of XLSX files is large, the execution time might be over 6 minutes.
  • About // Drive.Files.remove(ID);, when you run this script, please be careful. Because the original XLSX files are completely deleted when the script is run. So I commented this. At first, please test the script using sample files.


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