SQLAlchemy, Psycopg2 and Postgresql COPY

accepted answer is correct but if you want more than just the EoghanM’s comment to go on the following worked for me in COPYing a table out to CSV…

from sqlalchemy import sessionmaker, create_engine

eng = create_engine("postgresql://user:pwd@host:5432/db")
ses = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

dbcopy_f = open('/tmp/some_table_copy.csv','wb')

copy_sql="COPY some_table TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER"

fake_conn = eng.raw_connection()
fake_cur = fake_conn.cursor()
fake_cur.copy_expert(copy_sql, dbcopy_f)

The sessionmaker isn’t necessary but if you’re in the habit of creating the engine and the session at the same time to use raw_connection you’ll need separate them (unless there is some way to access the engine through the session object that I don’t know). The sql string provided to copy_expert is also not the only way to it, there is a basic copy_to function that you can use with subset of the parameters that you could past to a normal COPY TO query. Overall performance of the command seems fast for me, copying out a table of ~20000 rows.


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