Strange error in rails – missing helper

The problem seems to have been introduced in the latest version of ruby, ruby 2.2.0.

Try this experiment:

in rails console/or irb:

[1] pry(main)>File.expand_path ("./") 
=> "/users/xxxx/Sites/xxxx"

and in the terminal window:

]$ pwd

See the different case? If you get that, then deep in the bowels of active support a regex goes south. One fix is to remove the “sites” directory and recreate. It might also work to rename the sites directory using the finder, as rename it to “foobar” and then back to “sites”.


(from this page in Japan)

And when I was debugging this with another person, it was enough to have a mixed case directory name in the path. We renamed it to ‘farknerd’ and then back the original, except all lower case, and it worked.

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