Netsuite OAuth Not Working

EDIT: Just published an npm module which should make things easier: Was able to get some code working after hunting through GitHub Code commits. Still, bknights response is really good. Here’s what I got working. Assuming you have Node.js and npm installed, run: npm install request npm install [email protected] It’s really important that it’s … Read more

How to specify refresh tokens lifespan in Keycloak

As pointed out in the comments by @Kuba Šimonovský the accepted answer is missing other important factors: Actually, it is much much much more complicated. TL;DR One can infer that the refresh token lifespan will be equal to the smallest value among (SSO Session Idle, Client Session Idle, SSO Session Max, and Client Session Max). … Read more

Google API Client “refresh token must be passed in or set as part of setAccessToken”

I got the same problem recently and i solved it with this. <?php $client->setRedirectUri($this->_redirectURI); $client->setAccessType(‘offline’); $client->setApprovalPrompt(‘force’); I explain ….. Refresh token is not returned because we didnt force the approvalPrompt. The offline mode is not enought. We must force the approvalPrompt. Also the redirectURI must be set before these two options. It worked for me. … Read more

“Calling this from your main thread can lead to deadlock and/or ANRs while getting accesToken” from GoogleAuthUtil(Google Plus integration in Android)

Try it with an AsyncTask like this: AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> task = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, String>() { @Override protected String doInBackground(Void… params) { String token = null; try { token = GoogleAuthUtil.getToken( MainActivity.this, mGoogleApiClient.getAccountName(), “oauth2:” + SCOPES); } catch (IOException transientEx) { // Network or server error, try later Log.e(TAG, transientEx.toString()); } catch (UserRecoverableAuthException e) … Read more

Should I explicitly send the Refresh Token to get a new Access Token – JWT

Yes, the refresh token is used to obtain a new access token. When you request the access token for the first time, you usually start by sending a token request to the token endpoint, in case of the so called Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant with user credentials in the request header, e.g. grant_type=password&username=user1&passowrd=very_secret when … Read more

Python request with authentication (access_token)

The requests package has a very nice API for HTTP requests, adding a custom header works like this (source: official docs): >>> import requests >>> response = requests.get( … ‘https://website.example/id’, headers={‘Authorization’: ‘access_token myToken’}) If you don’t want to use an external dependency, the same thing using urllib2 of the standard library looks like this (source: … Read more

trying to get app access token

Obtaining an App Access Token To obtain an App Access Token, invoke the following HTTP GET request: GET client_id=YOUR_APP_ID &client_secret=YOUR_APP_SECRET &grant_type=client_credentials The API will respond with a query-string formatted string of the form: access_token=YOUR_APP_ID|YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN Reference: