IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL content:// CONTENT

First, move <provider> to be a child of <application>, not <activity>. Second, change android:exported=”true” to android:exported=”false”, until such time as you secure your ContentProvider. As it stands, once you fix the <provider> element location as noted above, any app can read and write anything in your provider, which is unlikely to be what the user … Read more

CursorOutofBoundsException Index -1 requested with size of 0

change your insertion code to this: SQLiteDatabase db7 = db.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values5= new ContentValues(); for (int i = 0; i < poslist.size(); i++) { values5.put(DBManager.TableInfo.KEYID, ID1); values5.put(DBManager.TableInfo.DOCU, document); values5.put(DBManager.TableInfo.ATTEND,attendancelist.get(i)); values5.put(DBManager.TableInfo.EMAIL, emaillist.get(i)); values5.put(DBManager.TableInfo.PARTY,partytypelist.get(i) ); values5.put(DBManager.TableInfo.BIO,biometriclist.get(i)); values5.put(DBManager.TableInfo.KEY_LOGIN_USER,username2); String condition5 = DBManager.TableInfo.DOCU + ” =?”; Cursor cursor5 = db7.query(DBManager.TableInfo.UPDATEPARTY, null, condition5, new String[]{DBManager.TableInfo.ATTEND}, null, null, null); long status5 … Read more