Get Cursor Position in Android in Edit Text?

You can get the Cursor position using the getSelectionStart() and getSelectionEnd() methods. If no text is highlighted, both getSelectionStart() and getSelectionEnd() return the position of the cursor. So something like this should do the trick: myEditText.getSelectionStart(); or myEditText.getSelectionEnd(); Then if you want to select all the text after the cursor you could use this: int … Read more

android:windowSoftInputMode=”adjustResize” doesn’t make any difference?

I created a new project in order to try and get the basic features working for window resizing and the slowly moved it towards the target peice of my project. Doing this I tracked the problem down to this: In my theme hierarchy I had this property: <item name=”android:windowFullscreen”>true</item> which was burried at the level … Read more

EditText with number keypad by default, but allowing alphabetic characters

Define your EditText in your xml this way: <EditText android:id=”@+id/txtOppCodigoCliente” android:inputType=”textVisiblePassword” android:layout_width=”match_parent” android:layout_height=”match_parent” android:maxLength=”11″ android:hint=”@string/strCodigoCliente”/> output: android:inputType=”textVisiblePassword” A row of numbers and the rest of letters.