Read and Write Text in ANSI format

To read a text file with a specific encoding you can use a FileInputStream in conjunction with a InputStreamReader. The right Java encoding for Windows ANSI is Cp1252. reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(csvFile), “Cp1252”)); To write a text file with a specific character encoding you can use a FileOutputStream together with a OutputStreamWriter. writer … Read more

Which join syntax is better?

Well, “better” is subjective. There is some style here. But I’ll address your questions directly. Both perform the same Both are ANSI-compliant. The problem with the first example is that it is very easy to inadvertently derive the cross product (since it is easier to leave out join criteria) it also becomes difficult to debug … Read more

Colored text output in PowerShell console using ANSI / VT100 codes

Note: The following applies to regular (legacy) console windows on Windows (provided by conhost.exe), which are used by default, including when a console application is launched from a GUI application. By contrast, the console windows (terminals) provided by Windows Terminal provide support for VT / ANSI escape sequences by default, for all console applications. While … Read more

json_encode() non utf-8 strings?

Is there a way I can get json_encode() to work and display these characters instead of having to use utf8_encode() on all of my strings and ending up with stuff like “\u0082”? If you have an ANSI encoded string, using utf8_encode() is the wrong function to deal with this. You need to properly convert it … Read more

Where can one find the C89/C90 standards in PDF format?

You can find nice HTML versions of C89, C99, and C11, as well as some of the official draft PDF files they’re generated from, here: Some other useful direct links to free PDF files of the C89/C90, C99 and C11 standards are listed below: C89/C90: C99: C11:

Unicode, UTF, ASCII, ANSI format differences

Going down your list: “Unicode” isn’t an encoding, although unfortunately, a lot of documentation imprecisely uses it to refer to whichever Unicode encoding that particular system uses by default. On Windows and Java, this often means UTF-16; in many other places, it means UTF-8. Properly, Unicode refers to the abstract character set itself, not to … Read more