SSH to remote server using ansible

Given that you do not use Paramiko for ssh (transport = ssh), Ansible will fully use your ~/.ssh/config. Therefore you can globally define all connection rules in your ssh configuration. If for some reason you want Ansible to not use your default ssh config but provide an separate configuration, you can define this in your … Read more

Accessing inventory host variable in Ansible playbook

You are on the right track about hostvars. This magic variable is used to access information about other hosts. hostvars is a hash with inventory hostnames as keys. To access fields of each host, use hostvars[‘test-1’], hostvars[‘test2-1’], etc. ansible_ssh_host is deprecated in favor of ansible_host since 2.0. So you should first remove “_ssh” from inventory … Read more

SSH Agent Forwarding with Ansible

The problem is resolved by removing this line from the playbook: sudo: yes When sudo is run on the remote host, the environment variables set by ssh during login are no longer available. In particular, SSH_AUTH_SOCK, which “identifies the path of a UNIX-domain socket used to communicate with the agent” is no longer visible so … Read more

Ansible – Save registered variable to file

Thanks to tmoschou for adding this comment to an outdated accepted answer: As of Ansible 2.10, The documentation for ansible.builtin.copy says: If you need variable interpolation in copied files, use the ansible.builtin.template module. Using a variable in the content field will result in unpredictable output. For more details see this and an explanation Original answer: … Read more