How do I configure Apache2 to allow multiple simultaneous connections from same IP address?

I discovered the answer to my problem. It turns out others have encountered this difficulty before: Simultaneous Requests to PHP Script The key detail is that file-based sessions in PHP cause all requests from the same client to be processed sequentially in a queue, rather than in parallel. In order to solve this problem, it … Read more

Need to allow encoded slashes on Apache

I kept coming across this post for another issue. Let me just explain real quick. I had the same style URL and was also trying to proxy it. Example: Proxy requests from /example/ to another server. /example/ Issue 1: Apache believes that’s an invalid url Solution: AllowEncodedSlashes On in httpd.conf Issue 2: Apache decodes the … Read more

Best way to log POST data in Apache?

Use Apache’s mod_dumpio. Be careful for obvious reasons. Note that mod_dumpio stops logging binary payloads at the first null character. For example a multipart/form-data upload of a gzip’d file will probably only show the first few bytes with mod_dumpio. Also note that Apache might not mention this module in httpd.conf even when it’s present in … Read more

index.php not loading by default

Apache needs to be configured to recognize index.php as an index file. The simplest way to accomplish this.. Create a .htaccess file in your web root. Add the line… DirectoryIndex index.php Here is a resource regarding the matter… Edit: I’m assuming apache is configured to allow .htaccess files. If it isn’t, you’ll have to … Read more