Fix issue With VS Code: yellow orange border box around characters

Your specific case – a series of Arabic characters – might no longer be highlighted in vscode (even with the following settings enabled) as vscode is getting a little smarter about strings of characters it would otherwise highlight. Contextual Unicode Highlighting To report fewer false positives, ambiguous and invisible unicode characters are no longer highlighted … Read more

Custom Arabic font in iOS

Short answer This seems to be a bug in iOS. Long answer As you may know, the arabic text needs to be shaped before it can be rendered, that means converting the basic letters (Unicode:0600-06FF) to their proper corresponding contextual letters (Unicode:FE70-FEFF). iOS does this preprocessing automatically for arabic text, but for some reason, it … Read more

Why is Java BufferedReader() not reading Arabic and Chinese characters correctly?

FileReader javadoc: Convenience class for reading character files. The constructors of this class assume that the default character encoding and the default byte-buffer size are appropriate. To specify these values yourself, construct an InputStreamReader on a FileInputStream. So: Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fileName), “utf-8”); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); If this still doesn’t work, … Read more

How to display Arabic in PDF created using iText

Wrong encoding: It is a bad programming practice to use non-ASCII characters in your source code. For instance, you have “الموقع الإلكتروني”. This String should be interpreted as double byte UNICODE characters. However, when you save the source code file using an encoding different from UNICODE, or when you compile that code using a different … Read more

Error while writting Arabic to image

Your way of reversing Arabic characters does not take into account the nature of connected glyphs. However, it is a valid trick to solve the issue of PHP/GD not automatically supporting RTL languages like Arabic. What you need to do is to use ar-php library that does exactly what you intended. Make sure your PHP … Read more