Forcing String to int Function to Consume Entire String

Edit: In c++17 or later from_chars is preferred. See here for more: For a given string str there are several ways to accomplish this each with advantages and disadvantages. I’ve written a live example here: and discuss each below: strtol As suggested here strtol‘s out-parameter can be used to get the number of … Read more

Where did the name `atoi` come from?

It means Ascii to Integer. Likewise, you can have atol for Ascii to Long, atof for Ascii to Float, etc. A Google search for ‘atoi “ascii to integer”‘ confirms this on several pages. I’m having trouble finding any official source on it… but in this listing of man pages from Third Edition Unix (1973) collected … Read more

Why do I get this unexpected result using atoi() in C?

atoi() converts a string representation of an integer into its value. It will not convert arbitrary characters into their decimal value. For instance: int main(void) { const char *string=”12345″; printf(“The value of %s is %d\n”, string, atoi(string)); return 0; } There’s nothing in the standard C library that will convert “A” to 65 or “Z” … Read more

How to convert a string to integer in C?

There is strtol which is better IMO. Also I have taken a liking in strtonum, so use it if you have it (but remember it’s not portable): long long strtonum(const char *nptr, long long minval, long long maxval, const char **errstr); You might also be interested in strtoumax and strtoimax which are standard functions in … Read more