How can I use persisted cookies from a file using phantomjs

Phantom JS and cookies –cookies-file=cookies.txt will only store non-session cookies in the cookie jar. Login and authentication is more commonly based on session cookies. What about session cookies? To save these is quite simple, but you should consider that they will likely expire quickly. You need to write your program logic to consider this. For … Read more

Writing a privileged helper tool with SMJobBless()

XPC isn’t an option if you’re trying to elevate privileges (from By default, XPC services are run in the most restricted environment possible—sandboxed with minimal filesystem access, network access, and so on. Elevating a service’s privileges to root is not supported. SMJobBless will install a helper tool and register it with Launchd, as in … Read more

How does OpenID authentication work?

What is OpenID? OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity. OpenID takes advantage of already existing internet technology (URI, HTTP, SSL, Diffie-Hellman) and realizes that people are already creating identities for themselves whether it be at their blog, photostream, profile page, etc. With OpenID you can easily transform one of these … Read more

Using C# to authenticate user against LDAP

This username, password within this line: DirectoryEntry(“LDAP://myserver/OU=People,O=mycompany”, username, password); should be for an account that has permission for directory lookup. It could be a service account or testing purpose try with your own. This shouldn’t be the user/pass of someone who you are trying to authenticate. If you want to authenticate, you can use following … Read more

Login to the page with HttpWebRequest

Make a new default.aspx, and put this in the code behind: I cant test any further based on your current question, because you didn’t include a valid username/password. using System; using System.Web; using System.Net; using System.IO; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; namespace Foo { public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs … Read more