How can I use WCF with the basichttpbinding only , SSL and Basic Authentication in IIS?

After some digging and asking some questions to a few colleagues, we finally solved the problem. Important to understand is there are 2 aspects of security in this case. The IIS security and the WCF security. IIS security: Enable SSL & enable Basic Authentication. Disable Anonymous Authentication. (Of course, create a windows account/group and set … Read more

The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded

As per this question’s answer You will want something like this: <bindings> <basicHttpBinding> <binding name=”basicHttp” allowCookies=”true” maxReceivedMessageSize=”20000000″ maxBufferSize=”20000000″ maxBufferPoolSize=”20000000″> <readerQuotas maxDepth=”32″ maxArrayLength=”200000000″ maxStringContentLength=”200000000″/> </binding> </basicHttpBinding> </bindings> Please also read comments to the accepted answer there, those contain valuable input.

BasicHttpBinding vs WsHttpBinding vs WebHttpBinding

You’re comparing apples to oranges here: webHttpBinding is the REST-style binding, where you basically just hit a URL and get back a truckload of XML or JSON from the web service basicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding are two SOAP-based bindings which is quite different from REST. SOAP has the advantage of having WSDL and XSD to describe … Read more