Rails 3 paperclip vs carrierwave vs dragonfly vs attachment_fu [closed]

I’ve used both Paperclip and Carrierwave, and if I were you, I’d go for Carrierwave. It’s a lot more flexible. I also love the fact that it doesnt clutter your models with configuration. You can define uploader classes instead. It allows you to easily reuse, extend etc your upload configuration. Did you watch the Carrierwave … Read more

exif image rotation issue using carrierwave and rmagick to upload to s3

Well I got this working using fog instead or carrierwave_direct. Below is the code that ended up working for me: app/uploaders/image_uploader.rb class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base include CarrierWave::MiniMagick include Sprockets::Helpers::RailsHelper include Sprockets::Helpers::IsolatedHelper storage :fog # Override the directory where uploaded files will be stored. # This is a sensible default for uploaders that are meant to … Read more

Ruby Block Syntax Error [duplicate]

Try this: version(:full) { process(:resize_to_limit => [960, 960]) } version(:half) { process(:resize_to_limit => [470, 470]) } version(:third) { process(:resize_to_limit => [306, 306]) } version(:fourth) { process(:resize_to_limit => [176, 176]) } You have a precedence problem. The { } block binds tighter than a do…end block and tighter than a method call; the result is that … Read more

Rails 4 multiple image or file upload using carrierwave

This is solution to upload multiple images using carrierwave in rails 4 from scratch Or you can find working demo : Multiple Attachment Rails 4 To do just follow these steps. rails new multiple_image_upload_carrierwave In gem file gem ‘carrierwave’ bundle install rails generate uploader Avatar Create post scaffold rails generate scaffold post title:string Create post_attachment … Read more