CefSharp 3 set proxy at Runtime

thanks to amaitland the proper way to actively inforce changing the request-context prefrences, is to run the code on CEF UIThread as following: Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory.StartNew(delegate { var rc = this.browser.GetBrowser().GetHost().RequestContext; var v = new Dictionary<string, object>(); v[“mode”] = “fixed_servers”; v[“server”] = “scheme://host:port”; string error; bool success = rc.SetPreference(“proxy”, v, out error); //success=true,error=”” });

ClickOnceInstall CefSharp Winforms Problems

I also ran into this issue recently while deploying a ClickOnce application. I found the solution for this problem on the CefSharp Issues page 1314 by the user @CRoemheld at this link here. As noted elsewhere, ClickOnce will only bundle up managed .DLL’s as part of its deployment process. But we also need to include … Read more

Path separators are missing

The issue is that your FileName has single slashes in it. JS will interpret those slashes as escape characters. The simplest solution is to replace your single slashes with double slashes: _mainWindow.Browser.ExecuteScriptAsync( “document.getElementById(‘location’).value=” + ‘\” + openFileDialog.FileName.Replace(@”\”, @”\\”) + ‘\”);