Nodejs Child Process: write to stdin from an already initialised process

You need to pass also \n symbol to get your command work: var spawn = require(‘child_process’).spawn, child = spawn(‘phantomjs’); child.stdin.setEncoding(‘utf-8’); child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); child.stdin.write(“console.log(‘Hello from PhantomJS’)\n”); child.stdin.end(); /// this call seems necessary, at least with plain node.js executable

How to kill childprocess in nodejs?

If you can use node’s built in child_process.spawn, you’re able to send a SIGINT signal to the child process: var proc = require(‘child_process’).spawn(‘mongod’); proc.kill(‘SIGINT’); An upside to this is that the main process should hang around until all of the child processes have terminated.

How to pass a variable from a child process (fork by Parallel::ForkManager)?

I think you’re misunderstanding what a fork does. When you successfully fork, you’re creating a subprocess, independent from the process you started with, to continue doing work. Because it’s a separate process, it has its own memory, variables, etc., even though some of these started out as copies from the parent process. So you’re setting … Read more

Multiple child process

Here is how to fork 10 children and wait for them to finish: pid_t pids[10]; int i; int n = 10; /* Start children. */ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if ((pids[i] = fork()) < 0) { perror(“fork”); abort(); } else if (pids[i] == 0) { DoWorkInChild(); exit(0); } } /* … Read more

Find all child processes of my own .NET process / find out if a given process is a child of my own?

as it happens I have a bit of C#/WMI code lying around that kills all processes spawned by a specified process id, recursively. the killing is obviously not what you want, but the finding of child processes seems to be what you’re interested in. I hope this is helpful: private static void KillAllProcessesSpawnedBy(UInt32 parentProcessId) { … Read more